Guidance for Contributors
Contributions for possible inclusion in Northern Studies are welcome and should be sent to:
Dr Janet Kay
General Editor: Northern Studies
c/o Scandinavian Studies, University of Edinburgh
50 George Square, Room 1.01, Edinburgh EH8 9LH
Articles should be submitted in electronic form as an email attachment, authored in MS Word and with any formatting tags, printer commands and hidden code removed. In addition:
- The text should not be justified and automatic hyphenation should not be used.
- New paragraphs should be indented by 0.5 cm.
- Single inverted commas should be used for quotations, except for quotations within quotations.
- Quotations of over 60 words should be indented, with no quotation marks but with a line space above and below.
- Tables and high-resolution figures should be submitted separately, with captions, in electronic form.
A detailed style guide may be found here.
The clearing of all copyrights related to an article and any accompanying figures is the sole responsibility of the author. The Society does not accept responsibility for opinions expressed by contributors.
Submitted articles will be sent for peer-review. Comments from reviewers will be forwarded for consideration by the author and discussion with the editor. Accepted articles will be copy-edited and authors will receive page proofs which must be corrected to an agreed deadline prior to publication.
Further guidance is available from the editor.
Book Reviews
Northern Studies commissions reviews of books relevant to the society’s interests, being Scandinavian, Celtic, and Scottish studies in any of the following fields: history, archaeology, languages, dialects, place-names, literature, geography, and the Viking Age and Late Norse period in a broad sense. If you are interested in reviewing a book for us, or you are a publisher looking to have books reviewed with us, please see adjacent for details.
Guidance for Potential Reviewers
Reviews are expected to be no longer than two pages (c. 1,500 words) and should discuss what the book is about, its intended audience, and the quality of its contents. For examples of what we look for, reviews from previous volumes of Northern Studies may be found here:
Reviews are produced on a rolling deadline based on the publication schedule of Northern Studies. In line with our publication policy, reviews will be made available in Open Access on our website following a brief embargo period (i.e. until the publication of the subsequent volume).
SSNS looks to support early career researchers (ECRs) where possible, and applications for reviews from ECRs are welcomed. We are unable to offer payment for reviews, but reviewers will receive a copy of the volume that they review for us. For residents of the UK, we will endeavour to secure a hard copy of the book in question, but due to international postage costs, reviewers outside of the UK may be offered an e-book copy instead. If you have a particular book in mind that you would like to review, or if you would like to be added to a list of reviewers to be contacted at a later date, please get in touch with our reviews editor, Tom Fairfax:
Guidance for Publishers
Books for review in Northern Studies are gratefully received and should be sent to:
Tom Fairfax
School of English
Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park,
Due to postage costs, we would appreciate you getting in touch before sending books for review, so that we can arrange direct delivery to the reviewer. Please do not hesitate to email our reviews editor, Tom Fairfax